Hurry! Hurry! It’s Almost Christmas!

Hurry! Hurry! It’s Almost Christmas!

By: George Zarr / Narrated By: Full Cast

Length: 2 hrs and 7 mins

For the Kids, like, seriously: ‘taint for You…

Oh gosh.

Where to start?

I got Hurry! Hurry! It’s Almost Christmas! during an sale last year and was soooo looking forward to listening to something that would give me a kinda sorta performance akin to the AWEsome performance that was Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol by Tom Mula. Ya know? Or maybe it’d be all good-hearted like the AWEsome The Christmas Chicken.

>Heavy Sigh<

Well, I didn’t deTESt it, so there’s that.

And it truly was sweet, in a kinda sorta, well, rather SICKening fashion, so there’s that…

I’ll just tell ya what it is as I’m feeling soooo close to trashing it, and this honestly doesn’t deserve that. I’m still only giving it 3-stars cuz I think if you listen to it, ya might feel a trifle nauseated. So there’s that.

It all starts well enough with Dad mega-exhausted from burning the midnight oil getting work on an account done. Alas, it’s Christmas Time, and there are things to do. Plus, it starts with Dad getting all peeved that his in-laws have come for a visit, and dad-in-law haaaaates Dad, calling him JIMMY when he’s actually named John. John blows a gasket about the continual and blatant disrespect and thus alienates Mom/wife, Eve, and it falls to son Chris to point out that Grandpa was in the Marines, is worried about Grandma’s failing memory, and suddenly John sees the light and the two kinda sorta call pax.

But then the stress of the Season keeps striking John as he tries to get things done on the Christmas To-Do List, as he tries to jockey through stores to buy The. Best. Christmas gifts, as the family attempts a Feel-Good Movie at the theater, and all whilst he’s dealing with co-worker, Dennis, constantly phoning him about all the work that is slooooowly being transferred from John over to Dennis.

Total stress. And he keeps grouching out even as Mom and the Kids try to do festive stuff such as visit much-loved relatives and such all. Leave it to Mom and the Kids to remind him the meaning of Christmas is Jesus.

Okay, so that’s jolly decent, correct?

But, dude! there’s singing in this. Yeh yeh yeh, I know I know I know: I was LONging for a performance. But oy, the singing is all warbly and trilly and just plain appalling. And gosh, Grandpa remains a jerk throughout, and somehow it’s up to John to smooth things over, which I did NOT find sweet. Plus, the man is truly dealing with stress from work. I get it: John is having stressed out Grinch Moments, but seriously: Mom and the Kids have oooodles of expectations, and the man is just doing the best he can.

All right, I’m done.

Let’s just say that this is about a family where everybody truly loves one another, and that the meaning of Christmas rings loud and clear in a way that is NOT the Gross Commercialization of the Holiday that my husband is CONstantly griping to me about. So there’s that! and huzzah for that!

Sweet in a not TOTALLY horrific way except for kinda sorta, and hey! it’s good for the kids in your family to listen to.

Just, it was on sale, so I’m feeling mighty grateful about that, and tho’ twas not the grand experience I was looking for? Well, I’ll get over it. Just, dude, unless you’ve got younguns crawling all over the place and asking for more Stuff this year? Wait until it’s on sale.

So there’s that…

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