Novice To Expert

Novice To Expert

By: S.J. Scott / Narrated By: Greg Zarcone

Length: 3 hrs and 2 mins

How NOT to look like an idiot

Any person reading can spot an idiot five pages in. That’s what I always think as I work on a novel. I have to get really good at a lot of subjects, really, really quickly. I dunno, maybe it’s just me but: Do you want to look like an idiot?!?

I’ll just have to tell you what’s in Novice to Expert because, while I can highly, highly recommend it, it might be old hat to you.

There are six skills you need: 1) Identifying which of the 7 learning styles you learn best with and how to develop it; 2) Pick a single, count ‘em, ONE, skill to work on; 3) For your learning habit, use only top-rated books, podcasts, etc. 4) Actionable notes! He discusses different systems; 5) Creating a project around the one skill that is either knowledge-based or repetition-based (Me? I neeeeed repetition!); 6) Deliberately practicing by breaking down to the smallest level of each skill—if you can’t learn it after 1-3 tries, break it down into micro-components.

You’ll learn the habit learning challenges and how to solve them: Procrastination? Accountability partners. Finding time? Well, duh! Get off social media. Actually sticking with a skill? Don’t be over-ambitious. Inability to stay consistent? Find inspiration in podcasts, reading material, or try teaching the skill to someone who knows even less than you do. Fear of missing out on life? Outline your 25 top priorities in life, focus on the top five… and ONLY the top five. Not receiving the support you need? Dismiss those negative people from your inner circle, and look for answers and solutions from your network.

There are exercises galore in the book, and SJ Scott has a website with extra info, as he is a truly prolific self-development guy. Basically, in 3 hours, you get a LOT!

Like I said: I have bad dreams of a book of mine being reviewed and someone pointing out that I actually have nooooo idea what I’m talking about. So Novice to Expert has really come in handy. Besides, ya never know when someone’s going to ask you about amateur pigeon racing, or whether you know the opening to “Stairway to Heaven”…

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