Jacob T. Marley

Jacob T. Marley

By: R. William Bennett / Narrated By: Simon Vance

Length: 4 hrs and 13 mins

The book that got me hooked

I’d listened to several audiobooks, oh way back in 2013, but none grabbed me, held me, made me sob like a baby like Jacob T. Marley. The many threads of the story were woven together seamlessly and always kept me in suspense, in a trance, in a shameless puddle of tears.

Jacob Marley (and the “T” was once proudly owned but eventually withered and died) comes from a good and loving family, a family with a past to feel joy about (it’s the “T”, I tell you!). But as Jacob’s many talents grow, so do his greed, his avarice, his ability to dismiss emotion and the suffering of others. The man earned every link of that chain he wears in the afterlife.

But after he dies, he has a chance to save Scrooge, to do something worthwhile. The wonderful story of hope, hopelessness, redemption, doom grows from there.

Truly a magnificent listen! How can it not be with Simon Vance at the helm, narrating with such passion, such tenderness? (And for the best treat, listen to Simon Vance’s version of A Christmas Carol before or after you listen to this!)

I didn’t stand a chance! Any reserve I felt about audiobooks? Gone! In the blink of a tear-filled eye, in the beat of a golden-glowing heart…

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