Following Atticus

Following Atticus

Written and Narrated By: Tom Ryan

Length: 9 hrs and 4 mins

More than just man’s best friend!

Following Atticus is more than what the Publisher’s Summary says. It’s more than just one overweight, bored man who adopts a dog and they both go on to climb mountain peaks.

Sure, it is that. But Following Atticus is a heart’s journey through love, death, friendship, forgiveness. Tom Ryan owns and writes his own newspaper, “The Daily Undertoad” which focuses on some of the good of his hometown and all of the bad of it. He’s seen some ugly and underhanded dealings going on, and he’s fearless about bringing all to light. He’s so active. But his personal life? Oh so lonely, until he gives a home to a dog named Max. That changes everything. He learns what a true friend a dog can be.

He’s devastated when Max passes so soon from his life, and that’s where little Atticus comes in, takes center stage, and never leaves. Tom adopts him from a compassionate breeder, someone who soon becomes a friend, and he begins the navigation of his Life’s journey with Atticus always, always at his side (or in his arms).

Sure, they do some pretty fantastic hiking, and the book is beautifully written: Nature comes alive in the way that only poetical prose can master it. I bought the Kindle version too because some of the passages are ones I simply wanted to read again and again. But while Atticus is a relentless hiker, his real job is in showing Tom how to heal his life, how to heal his loss, how to come to terms with coming from a lonely family with abuse and neglect in the background. There is one scene where Tom fibs to a police officer about why he and his father are at a location they’re not supposed to be at, and it just tickles his dad to death that they got away with it.

I suppose the only, teeny-tiny flaw is with the narration. It’s pretty slow going, but at x1.25 speed, I found it to be perfect. Besides, Ryan’s tones are moving and heartfelt.

I had to look Tom and Atticus up on the internet ‘cause I simply couldn’t believe they were real; it’s just too good a story. They are. They have a blog that I hit because I really couldn’t stand it when the book ended and I was left with no more Atticus.

There’s more. There’s even a sequel. Which I will be listening to, which I will be telling you about…

No problem; you’re welcome!

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