Dear Mother

Dear Mother

By: Bunmi Laditan / Narrated By: Bahni Turpin

Length: 1 hr and 4 mins

Such a short book, but worth a listen if you’re a Mom

This is gonna be a short review cuz, let’s face it, Dear Mother is a mighty quick listen.

Let’s start with the genius of having Bahni Turpin narrate it. It’s a genius move because ANYthing Turpin does is golden. The woman can do no wrong. She delivers it all so well. Not only can Bahni Turpin deliver humor well, but she manages to convey that it’s oh so wry. Plus, this is for exhausted mothers who also happen to be love-struck with their children, and Turpin manages the whole I-need-Me-Time that is immediately followed by Oh-man-how-I-miss-my-kids thing. Genius, I tell you. I haven’t loved her this much since Daughter of A Daughter of a Queen, and that was an EPIC audiobook. How can you do epic so well and do itty bitty poems so well also? Turpin does!

Bunmi Laditan’s poetry here is raw yet sweet, loving yet honest. Get it if it’s on sale if you’re not a Mom, but if you are a Mom? Well, it might be worth the whole credit, even as brief as it is, because you will DEFINITELY find yourself within all the poems. They’re funny; they’re tragic; they’re delightfully magical. It’s that wild alchemy which turns dirty diapers into pure and golden love.

I’d never heard of Bunmi Laditan before, but apparently I’ve been living under a rock as the Publisher’s Summary states that she’s a social media sensation (And we all know by now that I live and DIE by a Publisher’s Summary!). Whatever, I picked this up on sale, and it was an absolute MUST for Mother’s Day. Dear Mother told me just what-all my own Mom went through raising my brothers and sister and me.

So, well gosh!

Thanks, Maman!!!

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