Volume 110: December 6, 2020

Volume 110: December 6, 2020

Volume 110: December 6, 2020


Hello fellow Accomplice!


This man left us on December 6th, 2015, and knowing him—it was so he could go Over to spend the anniversary of Pearl Harbor with the men who fought and died there, his heroes when he was a youngster. 

He really blossomed around animals! And he inspired me with a love of Military History and showed me that: if perhaps humans were a hard lot? Well, animals will never let you down. 

Join us with Listens to honor Pearl Harbor, the men, the survivors, the children.

As always, feel free to share your favorites with me!

Or share your audiobook accomplice stories and photos!

Just comment below on this week’s reviews or email me at: Gillian@AudiobookAccomplice.com!

Huzzah! There was a tie for my Next Listen, so this week’s Listening will be bookended by twoooo C.S. Lewis! Thank gosh, cuz my nerves are shot, so I’m looking forward to them.

Throw in the Animals pick for the week and the new Jess Walter, and hopefully it’ll all soothe some rankled nerves!

Do you envy me...? Well how about joining me then?

Details for the audiobooks are on the Listening to Now page.

‘Twould appear that I’m in the mood for a bit o’ a spin upon The Bard himself. Whether it’s a historical mystery or a nonfiction, be it a novel or an irreverent retelling, dunno but they’re all looking pretty dashed grand to me!

Won’t you help a dithering gal out by casting a vote (or few!) for what might look good to you? Vote now, vote often, and may the winner be seen as a review soon!

Details for the audiobooks are at Tell Me What’s Next. Feel free to also suggest another audiobook for future review.

Click on any review summary to go to the full review! Click on the back arrow to return to this page.

Here he is, our dad, a young engineer. He was in the Army during Korea but was kept stateside, much to his great disappointment. His heroes were the fighting men...

And so are mine. 

Remember Pearl Harbor tomorrow, and?

I’ll see y’all next Sunday!

Your Accomplice, Gillian

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